The essential crepe bretonne
Pancakes or galettes: feast your eyes, you lichous*!
We have to warn you: crêpes and galettes are addictive. The sweetness of a froment, the crunch of a blé-noir, the fondant of a caramel au beurre salé... You'll definitely want to come back again and again!
* lichou = gourmand!
Buckwheat or wheat: to each his own!
Crêpes or galettes: the difference is in the recipe!
Galettes are made from buckwheat flour, water and salt. They are topped with savoury ingredients, such as the classic "complete", with ham, egg and cheese, which you'll find in any self-respecting crêperie.
The crêpe de froment is made from wheat flour, milk, eggs and sugar. It's the dessert or snack crepe, topped with sugar, chocolate or salted butter caramel.
Recipe secrets
Every Breton family has its own recipe or little secret! Some purists will tell you to always mix the buckwheat dough by hand. Others add a little vanilla or rum to the wheat dough. Resting time, cooking temperature... You won't find two identical speeches, and everyone here defends their own recipe!
What they do have in common, however, is that the pancake or galette is cooked on a cast-iron griddle known as a "bilig". Traditionally gas-fired, electric biligs are now more widespread for practical reasons.
Did you know?
In some parts of Finistère, they're both called "crêpe", with the addition of buckwheat or wheat. Elsewhere, the galette is a thicker buckwheat pancake, often used as the basis for the famous "galette saucisse".
Direct direct
Buy crêpes and galettes at the market
At any good market in Finistère, the smell of butter will tickle your nostrils. And it's usually coming from the crêpe stand.
In markets such as Daoulas and Landerneauyou can buy extra-fresh, freshly-cooked crêpes and galettes, which will last several days before being eaten.
Our good addresses
Where to eat crêpes in the Landerneau region?
Rest assured, we're not going to leave you without the best crêperie addresses in and around Landerneau! Settle down on the terrace or in the cosy charm of a typical Breton crêperie, enjoy a bowl of cider or a glass of Ribot milk, and let the suggestions be your guide.
Whether you're looking for a complete classic or a more creative crepe made with local, seasonal ingredients, you'll be spoilt for choice!