river elorn stroll in Landerneau - Pays de Landerneau Daoulas Tourisme


L'Elorn, Landerneau's river side: a stroll through the town by the water

  • General public
  • 6.5 Km
  • 2h30

Close to the river

The towpath

Your starting point for this 6.5-kilometre circuit is behind the Saint-Ernel sports fields, near the lift bridge. Your walk begins with a stroll along the towpath, which bears witness to Landerneau's past as an internationally renowned trading port. Leather, linen and wine were exported from Landerneau to the whole of Europe.
The creation of the channel and its quays dates back to the 17th and 18th centuries, in order to facilitate access to the port for heavy-duty ships.

towpath in Landerneau - Landerneau Daoulas Tourisme
L'Elorn vue du ciel Ć  Landerneau - Tourisme Landerneau Daoulas

NouveautƩ 2024

DĆ©couvrez l'Ɖlorn en bateau

Avec la Compagnie maritime Brest Ouest

DĆ©couvrez lā€™Ć‰lorn autrement avec la Compagnie Brest Ouest !
Au dĆ©part du port de commerce Ć  Brest, vous remonterez lā€™Ć‰lorn jusquā€™Ć  Landerneau avec le Brestoa. Le temps de lā€™escale dans la citĆ© de la Lune, une visite flash du cœur de ville vous sera proposĆ© par lā€™Office de tourisme.Ā 

Une autre faƧon de dĆ©couvrir la ville, sa riviĆØre et ses paysages fantastiques !Ā 

RemontĆ©e de l'Ɖlorn avec le Brestoa - Tourisme Landerneau Daoulas
Jardin des BƩnƩdictines Ơ Landerneau - Gilbert Coachet - Droits 2025

A quiet break

The Benedictines' garden

A veritable green lung set back from the heart of the city, this garden invites calm and contemplation. A former convent, boarding school and hospital, it is now a place to relax and stroll, accessible by bike and stroller, just a stone's throw from the banks of the Ɖlorn. Simply sit on a bench to observe and listen to the sounds of nature, or follow the interpretation trail that will guide you through the history of the site.

A little history ...

The convent was built in 1867 for the Benedictine nuns of Notre-Dame du Calvaire, who had arrived in Landerneau fifty years earlier. By the end of the 19th century, it had become a boarding school for 180 girls. Occupied during the First and Second World Wars, and mobilized as an American hospital between 1918 and 1919, the convent was finally emptied of its occupants in 1977.

Left bank

The Cornouaille quay

This is undoubtedly the city's oldest quay, predating the construction of the riverbanks. Lower than the towpath quays and built of stone, its earliest mention dates back to 1517. As you stroll along the quay, you'll pass by the popular Saint-Thomas district and its Logonna stone buildings.

Take time to observe the architecture of theAuberge des Treize Lunes, a manor house in the heart of the town. Its architecture is of the "maison Ć  pondalez" type: the rooms are distributed by superimposed galleries.

Quai de Cornouaille - Landerneau Daoulas Tourisme
caernarfon bridge - landerneau daoulas tourism

the north-south link

Caƫrnarfon bridge

Built in 1957, this bridge replaced a wooden bridge erected in 1941 during the German occupation. The main purpose of the CaĆ«rnarfon bridge was to relieve traffic congestion on the inhabited Pont de Rohan, until then the only way to cross the River Ɖlorn in the town of Landerneau.

The intangible heritage circuit

New for 2023: discover the new Breton intangible heritage trail.
This trail of 11 themed stations, along the Elorn river, presents the rich cultural heritage of Brittany (songs, language, dances...) and highlights the particularities of the region, located between LĆ©on and Cornouaille. The route is punctuated by two monumental sculptures by artist Thomas Godin.

Rohan Bridge - Landerneau Daoulas Tourisme

the must-have

Rohan Bridge

500 years of history for one of the last inhabited bridges in France and Europe, another of which is located in Pont-L'abbĆ©, in south FinistĆØre! The Pont de Rohan not only links the two banks of Landerneau, it also marks the boundary between the sea and the river. Its life hasn't always been an easy one!Ā 

The imprint of the commercial past

Le Quai BarthƩlƩmy Kerros

The stroll through Landerneau continues along the green banks of the River Ɖlorn. Quai BarthĆ©lĆ©my Kerros bears the name of a figure who left his mark on the town's history. Initially captain of a Landerneau ship, he later became a privateer and took part in the capture of an English vessel, before his ship was itself captured. Back in Landerneau, he established himself as a merchant and shipowner, before becoming mayor of the commune in 1780.

quais de l'elorn in landerneau

the must-have

The Traon Elorn site and the Grande Briqueterie

A little way out of town, the hiking trail takes you to the Traon Elorn site at La Garenne, home to the former SociĆ©tĆ© LiniĆØre fabric factory, which later became the Grande Briqueterie.

The linen trade in Landerneau dates back to the 16th and 17th centuries, and expanded in 1845 with the creation of the LiniĆØre du FinistĆØre company. The weaving industry has left its mark on the history of FinistĆØre and the architecture of Landerneau, as evidenced by one of the last workers' houses built nearby to accommodate foreign workers, particularly from Scotland.

In 1897, the flax company was replaced by a brick and tile factory, which remained in operation until 1968.

Grande Briqueterie - Landerneau - Elorn - Alexandre Lamoureux 2024

Right bank

Le Quai de LĆ©on

Now that you've crossed the River Ɖlorn and perhaps browsed the stores on the inhabited bridge, continue your walk along the Quai de LĆ©on. It's no coincidence that some of Landerne's finest merchant houses are located here: the quay is in the immediate vicinity of the port. The development work carried out from the 15th century onwards enabled large tonnage boats to access the port, and thus to develop the town's commercial activity. Take the opportunity to discover Landerneau's heritage!

And why not by bike?

You can also cycle along the riverbank path! Don't hesitate to rent an electrically-assisted bike from one of the Ti VĆ©lo self-service stations located in the city center.

The urban park

Les Jardins de la Palud

End your visit to Landerneau with a stroll or a break on one of the benches in the Jardins de la Palud. This large green esplanade is a friendly place in the city where all generations meet at any time of day.

This is also the venue for events such as the FĆŖte du Bruit.

Jardins de la Palud Ć  Landerneau - Alexandre Lamoureux 2024

L'Elorn plus loin vers l'ouest

La grĆØve de La Forest-Landerneau

Pour une Ć©chappĆ©e belle en fin de journĆ©e, enfourchez votre vĆ©lo, direction la grĆØve de La Forest-Landerneau ! La liaison douce qui vient de Landerneau longe la lā€™Elorn et donne dĆ©jĆ  un aperƧu de lā€™ambiance : les eaux calmes, les hautes herbes, les goĆ©lands et cormorans au ras de lā€™eauā€¦ Le sentier chemine dans les bois, vous croiserez sans doute quelques coureurs qui profitent Ć©galement de lā€™air paisible pour une sortie sportive.

Profitez dā€™un rafraichissement en terrasse dans lā€™ambiance joyeuse du CafĆ© de la Gare, puis descendez jusquā€™Ć  la grĆØve en contrebas pour partager un pique-nique, le soleil dans le dos et les pieds dans lā€™eau (ou presque).

Vue sur l'Elorn Ć  la grĆØve de la Gare, La Forest Landerneau - Alexandre Lamoureux 2024

Et pourquoi pas en kayak ?

Another way to discover Landerneau: on the water! In summer, rent a kayak from the Club des Alligators and take a trip up the River Ɖlorn, taking in a different view of the town while enjoying the tranquility of the riverbanks.

How do I get there?

Landerneau, heading for Brittany!

By car

  • Access via RN12 from Paris-Rennes-Saint-Brieuc
  • Access via RN165 from Nantes, Vannes, Quimper

By train

  • Landerneau SNCF train station

By plane

  • Brest-Bretagne Airport
Getting there with Google Maps