Langazel circuit
- Pedestrian
- 9 Km
- 2h30
- Medium
- Walks
About us
A regionally unique site, Langazel is the oldest peat bog in Brittany.
During this walk, discover the preserved flora and fauna of Langazel, a protected natural area. You'll find many rare and protected plant species, including sundews, orchids and beautiful heathers. The fauna is also very rich: deer, squirrels, hen harriers, long-eared owls, a multitude of butterflies and other wetland insects.
Part of the circuit has been laid out as an interpretation trail, allowing you to discover the history of this unique site.
A few recommendations:
- In winter, boots are necessary. In summer, good shoes are recommended.
- Don't stray from the hiking trail.
- Don't pick flowers, and keep your dogs on a leash.
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